
Adolescents' salt intake correlates with obesity, inflammation

Most adolescents consume as much salt as adults -- some more than twice the recommended daily allowance -- and that high sodium intake correlates with fatness and inflammation regardless of how many calories they consume, researchers report.

Buy Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose CMCIn a study of 766 healthy teens, 97 percent self-reported exceeding the American Heart Association's recommendation of consuming less than 1, 500 milligrams of sodium daily, according to a study in the journal Pediatrics.

"The majority of studies in humans show the more food you eat, the more salt you consume, the fatter you are, " said Dr. Haidong Zhu, molecular geneticist at the Medical College of Georgia and Institute of Public and Preventive Health at Georgia Regents University.

"Our study adjusted for what these young people ate and drank and there was still a correlation between salt intake and obesity, " Zhu said.

These high-sodium consumers also had high levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha, which is secreted by immune cells and contributes to chronic inflammation as well as autoimmune diseases like lupus and arthritis. Additionally, the adolescents had high levels of leptin, a hormone produced by fat cells that normally suppresses appetite and burns fat, but at chronically high levels can have the opposite effects.

"Losing weight is difficult, but hopefully more people can be successful at reducing their sodium intake, " said Zhu, the study's corresponding author. Reductions would result from not automatically adding salt to food and choosing fresh fruits and vegetables over French fries and processed meats and snacks.

"We hope these findings will reinforce for parents and pediatricians alike that daily decisions about how much salt children consume can set the stage for fatness, chronic inflammation and a host of associated diseases like hypertension and diabetes, " said study co-author Dr. Gregory Harshfield, Director of the Georgia Prevention Center at the GRU institute.

High sodium intake has been linked to higher weight, possibly because of increased water retention. While the new study does not prove a causal effect, it contributes to mounting evidence that high sodium could be a direct cause of obesity and inflammation, Zhu and her colleagues report. Longitudinal or randomized clinical trials are needed to clarify the relationships, the researchers said.

"Obesity has a lot of contributing factors, including physical inactivity, " Zhu said. "We think that high sodium intake could be one of those factors. " Evidence suggests one direct cause may be increasing the size of fat cells.

The MCG study appears to be the first to use several robust measures of fatness to improve accuracy, including magnetic resonance imaging and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, which also measures bone density. Study participants were Augusta-area teens whose fitness and fatness were being assessed by Dr. Bernard Gutin, exercise physiologist and Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics at MCG. Data was collected from 2001-05.
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東京・秋葉原発の人気アイドルグループ「A K B 4 8」の宮澤佐江 画像(1 9)が、握手会が開かれるが、待望のファースト写真集は、世界遺産のアンコールワットやプノンペンの街などすべてのカットがカンボジアで撮影された。
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China has nearly a "cancer"

Excessive use of pesticides, fertilizers, first on soil caused damage that cannot be ignored. Research shows that currently contaminated about 150 million mu of cultivated land, almost two thirds of the total land area of one-tenth in China. Beijing vegetable Research Institute senior agronomist, agricultural and forestry Sciences Chen Chunxiu believes that high degree of soil compaction, salinization, excessive use of fertilizers and a certain degree of relationship. And poor soil quality, use of, the more fertilizer, vicious circle. "In fact, these chemical fertilizer utilization of only 40%, it didn't work out, become pollutants. "Gaoming Jiang said, such as a well-known carcinogen nitrite, nitrate from the earliest, nitrate is an important ingredient in fertilizer. Nitrite residue in the land, cause serious pollution to soil, groundwater. Phosphate fertilizer and potassium extracted from ore, such as fertiliser, inevitably contain cadmium, iron, copper and other heavy metals. These carcinogens, heavy metal residues in soil will end up back in the plant. United States Department of agriculture experts study showed that is strongest on cadmium absorption in rice cereal crop, just a few years time, will lead to renal damage occurred, bone lesions, such as cadmium poisoning symptoms.
Fertilizer residues of cadmium in rice not only from direct pollution brought about by, also comes from industrial discharges on heavy metal pollution in farmland caused indirectly. According to data of the Ministry of land and show that 12 million metric tons of grain each year suffer from heavy metal pollution in China. From paragraph of xiangjiang River in Hunan Changsha, Hengyang to coast due to the large number of industrial waste water being released into the River, resulting in vegetables of arsenic, cadmium,tmtd accelerator, nickel, lead and other heavy metals content seriously exceeded, these "crop" not only is food every day by local farmers, were also transported to more towns and cities. In brilliant new book, the ecological environment of China Chiang Kai-shek in the crisis, spent 4 page lists all over the country have been media reports of hundreds of "cancer". For example, "look in Xinjian County Nanchang city, Jiangxi province town Juan River Reclamation field: from a chemical plant inside leakage of sewage flow into rice fields, all black rice seedlings in the fields. In 2004, the 80 households almost 20 people suffering from cancer, laryngeal cancer, lung cancer. "More and more violations in the field of industrial pollution, a new" killer chemicals ".
"Traditional agricultural was as sunrise and sunset, the seasons, meets a complete cycle of plants. But modern agriculture are predatory, reduce plant growth time as far as possible, increase plant production, their nutrition, security, and all must have a certain impact. "The Chinese Center for disease control and prevention of nutrition and food safety, food science and Technology Director Huo Junsheng told reporters. Now, such as in food crops such as cereals, apart from carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and other trace elements in decline than in the past. A survey conducted in foreign countries, tomatoes sweet and sour of values is 2.77 now than in the past losses of nearly 15%; content of vitamin c than they did 30 years ago have fallen 17 mg.
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渡辺から「(本当に)仲良いんですよ?」と苦笑いで返したが、A K B 4 8の活躍ぶりには国生さゆり w i t h おニャン子クラブとして2 5年前にオリジナル曲を歌った国生は「当たり前じゃないかな」。







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アイドルグループA K B 4 8新生チームBとして活動する宮崎。
「“アイドルと言えばA K B 4 8"と言われるので、また学園ドラマ『マジすか学園』に出て、すごく楽しかったので、夢がかなって嬉しいです。







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国民的ドラマの主役、紅白歌合戦の司会などと昨年大ブレークした女優・松下奈緒 画像が、「実は何でも白黒付けたがる性格は似てるかも」。
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